The Falcon is the world’s most successful underwater electric robotic system of its class. Powered by a single-phase 110/230 VAC supply, Falcon is lightweight and portable for easy deployment, and comes rated to a depth of 300m or 1000m for the DR version. Five powerful thrusters provide precise control and maintain a stable platform in strong currents and turbulent waters. An open frame construction and distributed intelligence enable easy attachment of a range of sophisticated sensors, sonars, tooling and ccessories. Using touchscreen and joystick technology, the user-friendly configuration is combined with the advanced iCON intelligent control software to provide improved vehicle control and diagnostic data as well as the ability to customise the pilot display and enable features such as station keeping. Saab Seaeye offer both in-house and on-site training, every customer is designated an account coordinator offering a rapid response for spares, repairs and servicing and a vital contact point for import / export and shipping issues. Our emergency technical support team is available 24 hours a day with engineers who have an extensive technical knowledge of our systems combined with practical industry knowhow. Many organisations choose Falcon because of:

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  • Portability
  • Single-phase 110/230 VAC supply
  • Versatility
  • Powerful / stable platform
  • Open frame construction
  • Easy addition of sensors and tooling
  • Advanced surface control equipment
  • Training
  • Aftersales and 24 hour technical support
  • Rental income opportunities
  • High resale value
  • Many Falcon trained pilots.

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